In the past, the deaf community was exploited and victimized by the general population in the USA. Things started to change after the American Disability Act (ADA), signed into law by of all people POTUS Ronald Reagan. But, as we have seen with the Civil Rights Act of 1965, laws can be overturned. Older members of the deaf community, those who grew up before the ADA, have a level of distrust and it's become a generational trauma.
So now comes this new tech device that requires an invasive surgical procedure, the equivalent of installing a chip in someone's head. It has the potential to change the deaf community and allow them to join the general society. But what's so great about the general society? It's an invitation that many of that the deaf community never sought out. The level of self acceptance is strong in that community, a way of life that no hearing person will ever understand. It's more than just a condition or a disability, it's a lifestyle and many indoctrinated into that community so long ago don't trust these Greeks bearing gifts.