7-27-24// Sabb// Hitchcock would give us a "Macguffin" in his adventures ( an object, thing, place, et that set the motivational factor, the premise of the story-line.) In "The Bird's" the leading player's ( Rod Taylor, & Tippi Hedren) are. the de-facto human-being Macguff's. The film tally's on disguised as a 1963, woman's picture, before the ( Bird) Shitte hit's the fan, & Hitchcock reveals the movies real intent. A Hitchcock experimental shoe-horned as a drive-in movie horror flick. // Mz. Hedren looks like what I term "A 1960's, "Breck" Shampoo girl ( A popular TV advertisement, & campaign which ran in the 1960's.) upon a little research it seems that Hitch pulled her from a diet-soda commercial. It's kinda embarrassing watching Jessica Tandy, & the old Studio-system character-Actor's out Act her at every turn. She is gentle on the eye's though, doesn't get in the way of the script or action. Handles herself well ( esp. for a novice under Hitchcock (,,,EEEERRRRR,,,,,) & a highly formidable cast, & crew.) /// Do yerself a favor, ( esp. If your entertaining going into the film/ Directing/ editing business.) pull out. a pen, & pad & TAKE NOTE OF THE FRIGGIN BLOCKING IN THIS FILM !!!! HOLY COW !!! WERE TALKING NEARLY SPIRITUAL !!!! ,,,well,,,, Masterful !!!! // I also noticed how the restaurant scene here ( absent the bird's) seems to pop up in nearly every Steven King Movie. I've never read anything by King, but as far as filmed production's of his work's go, scenes similar to this one pop-up an inordinate amount of time.//// "The Birds," ends on a mysterious note. It's obvious this. Is deliberate, still it leaves one pondering ( even after 60 + year's) wott da' he## did I just watch ???!!!! It's technically brilliant, well acted, exceptionally Directed, but I always leave "The Bird's" feeling gyped a little. I DEMAND ANSWER'S !!!! //// (ROPE) 1948// "Rope" enter's on a sinister, evil, arrangement. Two ( stylish, handsome, ##mosexual.) men, Senselessly, murder a college, not out of spite, anger, revenge,,,,,,just,,,,,,because,,,,,,,,,these 2 ruthless, heathens, are lower than Film-gangster's ( except for "Tommy" in "Goodfella's" 40+ year's later.)These degenerate's adopt their Nietzschian tomfoolery, & snuff the life of a man with a loving family, his history, loved one's, God's ambition for the man,,,,as a lark,,,,,???,,,, the scene is disturbingly saturated in paganistic horror, & Modernist shame. Two of Hitchcock's most detestable villian's. ( John Dall & Farley Granger.) /// Dall, main-lines into the droll, suave 1940's upper-class, wine-master ( steroe-typical ???) Villian. He & Joan Chandler are hilarious. The situation remains though, exacerbated by brandon Shaws ( Dall) megalomania, & sadism ( he puts David Kentleys ( the murder victim) body in a table used for hor' dourves. He invites the murdered David's, parent's & finance ( Chandler) over for a soiree over the innocent dead man ( he helped murder) body.) /// At this point Jimmy Stewart ( his 1st. Hitchcock.) enters, & he basically Jimmy Stewart's all over the place. Was Stewart too big a star for this Hitchcock experimental,,,???? U decide. ( personally, I think Hitch's experimental's normally worked best with lesser known actor's.) The film settles in2 a superior 1940's Murder/ Mystery after that. Slog's at X's, but remains a fascinating, lesser traveled Hitchcock Classic.