I literally love this movie so much.
The movie isn't really scary unless cheap scares or sudden noises spook you. (Which isn't really as effective on the main audience this movie was targeted at since most of us are desensitized to it by now.)
There is minimum gore, most being up to the imagination. I'm sure many are going to be upset at the lack of that, which is silly, the games never had much gore in it in the first place because it's a JUMPSCARE game.
The movie overall isn't going to be enjoyable unless you were really into the games/the community surrounding it as many of the things within the movie had cameos or callbacks to things within the community/games.
If you never played the original game or were never invested in the story in the first place then this movie just isn't going to be for you. But if you were, you will love this to death.
Unless you're just one of those picky fans that see the animatronics as cold blooded killing machines and only as that one thing. (which means to me you didn't care about the story just the gameplay aspects)