I am a Chinese woman. When I first watched these four characters' adventures, I wondered whether you Americans truly live like this. After I grew older, I began to believe people are various. People have a different temperament, different styles, and different appearances. Now I know those four characters are stereotypes of various parts of your American culture. It's fiction and also a trial of depicting yourselves. Actually, Chinese People are not as you imgined. 中国人地大物博,有美食,有美景,有美人,现在还有财富,还有神奇的执政党。除此之外,还有八个民主党派。建议你们到中国来看看,留的时间长一点,去的地方多一点,到处走走看看,不管你们是共和党,还是民主党,还是摇摆州,都可以来看看。Welcome to China!