Wow! Finally some truth about Kashmir and what exactly happened with pandits who were living in peace unlike another “peaceful community”
If we agree how China is treating Muslims in Uyghur than why can’t we agree about genocide which happened in Kashmiri people (pandits)
We live in world of hypocrites where doing wrong thing is “expression of freedom” where abuse is only happens with women or kids but when it comes to male abuse than no one talks! Such cruel double standards we have as human being. The movie not only boils blood and want justice for what happened but also shows the hypocrisy of Bollywood who were not so supportive about real life topics. Whole bullywood industry runs on mafia gangs and bullywood have soft spot for our “neighbouring country”
Anyways, movie or rather say the story gave lots of provocation at times, showing how pathetic our media is, showing how easily we forget things in India when it comes to social issues or in this case genocide.