As a long time poke gamer and collector I bought the game as I have all the others for the past 25 years. This was the biggest let down the franchise ever gave us. Designs are garbage, story was uninteresting and boring. The pre gym battle "tests" are dreadful and annoying the open world is a great concept and slightly better than sword and shield but not enough pokemon to make up for all the wasted space, there's no direction in which to play its like a free for all and I ended up getting stomped a few times with trainers at lvl 50 when I was 35 to 40. Training your pokes seems like a unwanted chore rather than a desire to be better. It feels very geared to children a little too much, and practically everything is given to you in the game. There's way too much to explain get it yourself and make your own opinion, I personally would NOT recommend it.