This story made ma relize that its not about winning its about having fun with the people you are comfortable with, just watching their faces in the episodes made me relize that we should learn hoe to be positive like Nagisa cuz he was the one who made the swimming club happen and woh out Rei Rin would have not relized how important he was to the team and to Haru... Even tho the series is over it still made me think about my actions when i was around my friends an dnow were all seperated we are grown up an d i miss the old days being a kid. I really hope this will continue it really inspired alot of people even tho the subject was about swimming their is still good sides to it even if the situation is different like loosing a friend i really felt relatable on that one part, but even tho i didnt get my friend back like it did in the episode i still made new friends better then the last one i had im not saying she or he is a better friend i am just saying that every person has one shot at peing better at something and if we give up know we wouldnt be able to acomplish what we started if we just give up now... So please continue the searies and even tho its been more that a year i really hope anime creators make something similar to this to inspire people when they lost hope or have given up i life just a reminder this was writen by a 12 year old girl in the year 2018 i the 28 of december i hope this messege can help you all relize our life is like flood no matter the difficulty their is always a bright side to the problem
Truly yours,
~Yzabelle Claire