The second installment of the saga knew how to choose the most interesting elements of the first, raise them one level and add something more. That's why the movie became much more brazen and profane. Far from this being a problem, it became his best quality.
In addition, the film improved considerably in the technical section, both the production and the editing, and the soundtrack was even better.
its DNA has the worst thing that a film of these characteristics can have, and it is the recourse to a humor based on the most blushing stupidity instead of betting on a greater number of gags and truly hilarious situations, which is what happens in the subsequent sequels, which sadly will never haunt the same level of fame as the originals. That's what you'll like there, very morbid situations that always end up being overacting, but the problem is that that's not funny. This is aimed at an overly stupid public, while at those who do not