By far the most confusing and funny horror film I’ve ever seen. I’m gonna spoil it for anyone who reads this cus it’s just plain weird. First, this lady realises she’s married to a manipulative wimp and he threatens to do himself in for her divorcing him. Then he punches her for hiding texts from him. After that he leaps to his death splitting his arm and breaking his leg, and She goes down to stare at his carcass, Then she moves into a remote village, her landlord is funny but she’s too traumatized to laugh, then she gets stalked by a naked man. The cops arrest him, she goes to a church, a man with autism argues with her n calls her a b!tch for rejecting a game of hide n seek. Then the priest tells him off and as their talking afterwards he tells her it was her fault her husband died n that it’s normal for men to hit women. Then she goes to cool off at a bar and here’s where I think the vodka she ordered must’ve had datura seeds in it. She leaves the bar after being told by the cop they released the stalker. And sure enough he follows her home again from the bar. The cop who arrested the stalker stands outside, disappears, then a random dude we’ve never seen comes running at her, she locks herself in the house, grabs a knife, a raven busts through her window and somehow knocks over a stool, n drags it back. Her landlord hears the commotion and comes through the front door, kills the raven and checks around for whoever she’s tripping about, then he disappears and here’s where the datura seeds really start kicking in. The naked man appears out of nowhere and blows cotton in her face, she locks herself back in the house and as he sticks his arm through the mail hole she’s like “awe he just wants to hold my hand” then he grabs her hand n she realises “oh wait I’m being stalked that’s right” and she proceeds to split the dudes arm in half. She goes into the kitchen and the autistic guy is playing with the raven with HIS arm split, he chases her into a room and the priest comes in with HIS arm split, forces himself upon her saying it’s her fault he’s attracted to her, she stabs him. Then she goes out to drive away, runs into her landlord. He gets up and GTAs her, he chases her back to the house in the car and as she looks back she sees the naked man, he breaks his ankle, then gives birth to the autistic guy, the autistic guy gives birth to the priest, the landlord Crawls out of the priests back, then her husband crawls out of the landlords mouth, sits down with her and basically tells her, “btw this is all your fault”. And the movie ends 😂 what the absolute Fock.
If this is made as a political message, im genuinely sorry for what you must have gone through. Not all guys be crawling out of eachother. At least not in the US idk about Europe. Write the sequel, “Women” wonder how thatl go over. 😂