Lisa is way too selfish! Always expecting Patrik to do her bidding. She couldn't even allow Patrik to honour his father's wishes. To me, it seems like Lisa is using Patrik to raise her kids seeing that Martin is such an unreliable partner. Lisa and Martin's way of raising kids is terrible! Martin is selfish and so immature! I wondered how Patrik was able to withstand all that pressure. Emma was jealous of her sister, I think she wanted Patrik for herself. Katya is way too absorbed with her life. It's good she got Henrik to balance her off nature. What a pity to not even care about your mom! William is well raised, balanced and way too mature for his age. I didn't understand why Lisa& Martin's daughter was allowed to have sex at home. Bigge spoilt Martin way too much it's good his last wife realised how immature and unreliable Martin was and left him. A rollercoaster ride for blended families! I learnt the importance of boundaries and choosing the right marital partner!