I think that Trevor Noah should be ashamed of himself for doing that idiotic bit about Julian Assange. The American government is attempting to shut down all dissent and therefore it is going after Assange. To make light of this completely misses the point and undermines the necessity to fight against these draconian laws that the US is employing against reporters. Obama resurrected the Sedition Act imposed by Woodrow Wilson during WWI and now Trump is going full speed ahead with his agenda of putting whistle blowers in jail. I'm shocked and dismayed that someone so astute as Trevor Noah would fall for this junk that the US is pedaling just for a laugh. This is from the National Union of Journalists:
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Nuj reaction: julian assange arrest
NUJ reaction: Julian Assange arrest
11 April 2019
Following UK police forcibly removing the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, from the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arresting him, Seamus Dooley, NUJ assistant general secretary, said:
"The NUJ is shocked and concerned by the actions of the authorities today in relation to Julian Assange. His lawyer has confirmed he has been arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request. The UK should not be acting on behalf of the Trump administration in this case. The NUJ recognises the inherent link between and importance of leaked confidential documents and journalism reporting in the public interest. It should be remembered that in April 2010 WikiLeaks released Collateral Murder, a video showing a 2007 US Apache helicopter attack upon individuals in Baghdad, more than 23 people were killed including two Reuters journalists. The manner in which Assange is treated will be of great significance to the practice of journalism."