I've been a monthly giver to the 700 Club BUT today when I read the comment from Pat Roberson about PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP I was shocked & appalled. In all of my years of watching & listening to the 700 Club, I MUST stop my monthly donations to you Monday when my bank opens. I will give the amount I gave the 700 Club to another place where the TRUE WORD of GOD is preached all around the world. AMERICA is a wonderful place & PRESIDENT DONALD J.TRUMP loves AMERICA & always puts AMERICA FIRST. PRESIDENT TRUMP is a PRESIDENT who could NOT be bought off & owned by the lifetime politicians who are in power now & have their offshore accounts hiding their money along with inside trading schemes. The election on Nov 3 2020 was STOLEN. PRESIDENT TRUMP won all 50 STATES. ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH GOD is in CONTROL.HE let the steal happen for the WORLD to see the evil vile things that have been going on in AMERICA for a LONG...LONG time. There are still more things that will be shown to the WORLD very soon. PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP is ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH GOD'S CHOOSEN WARRIOR. This Pat Robertson you will soon see for yourself. The riot on JAN 6th 2021 was NOT caused by PRESIDENT TRUMP NOR ANY OF HIS PEOPLE. It was a PLANNED riot & the murder of the lady ASHI BABBITT who was shot & killed. Some of my family was at the JAN 6th 2021 at AMERICA'S WHITE HOUSE & have PHOTO'S & everything will be brought to the world the truth very soon. I love AMERICA I fly OLE GLORY 24/7 with 2 large lights on her. I stand for my flag & I kneel at the CROSS. When I'm called back home again to HEAVEN I will know all of ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH GOD'S GLORY & HIS SON CHRIST JESUS & THE HOLY SPIRIT. HALLELUIAH.