Honest review of a casual anime watcher (tiny spoilers):
I wouldn't necessarily recommend this show to my friends to be honest. But here are some points that can be considered if you're curious to see if it's worth watching or not. This is just my opinion, watch the show if you want.
1. The characters. Are. So. Frustrating.
It might be due to the immense childhood trauma. Seriously, all of them went through unrealistic amounts of it. The way that they communicate and resort to aggressive behavior was one of the reasons why I dropped it last year. I can't stand uselessly violent people. The reason I picked this show back up was because I saw some memes about the incredible romance that later happens and figured it might have a good payoff in the end.
2. Speaking of romance.
I wouldn't watch it again if I was looking for a satisfying romance. The actual romantic bits of the show were sparse for my taste, but that's just my touch-starved and lonely self, talking. It IS a romance, but not as good as some other shows that I've seen, just putting that out there...
I was a little dissatisfied with it maybe because there wasn't near enough physical affection and they skipped their whole (spoilers) married life to show two old people holding hands, which is sweet obviously, but I guess we can't have everything. sigh.
3. Not entirely clean, if there are any of you that take that into account.
I don't appreciate it when a show gets dirty for no reason. The integrity of the show would stay the same without those parts in my opinion, but whatever.
4. The psychological parts were... really good.
They were so well done, it was emotionally trying on me. I usually enjoy depressed characters as I find them relatable and whatnot. It's cool to see inside their heads. But this anime brought me down in a very tangible way. The mental illness was well written, but I didn't feel well, experiencing it. I sound like I'm being a weenie about it but one of my favorite animes is A Silent Voice and similar ones like this. So just know, it could trigger sensitive people.
Absolutely incredible. Stunning. Fresh.
I've been listening to the soundtrack on repeat since I finished the show. It's hard to describe the feelings it gives, probably because it's so strongly connected to the emotional scenes of the show. If you want to watch it just for the music... GO FOR IT. You won't regret it.
6. The drama is well-carried out, I must admit.
There's a reason I cry every time I hear the soundtrack. It's deep and heavy and will leave you with feelings you have no idea how to process.
I don't plan on watching it again, and I admit that I only finished it because I was curious to see how it ended. It gets three out of five stars because the characters act stupid too often, and it was entirely too tempting to fast-forward a lot of bits cuz I didn't feel invested in some of the side stories at all. Just for the record, some of the romance scenes, I would like to rewatch in my obsessive, unhealthy mental state lol.