The show is very poorly written and leaves behind everything that makes the Law and Order franchise interesting and unique in favor of compiling a series of poorly reasoned and poorly written and poorly justified action sequences. This isn't Law and Order. This is Cool Cop Man Do Cool Action Thing And Sometimes Feels Sad. What's worse is how it spills over into the other Law and Order shows and just turns the whole franchise into shlocky soapy drama. There aren't any trial or court scenes in the whole damn show and those are the best parts of Law and Order. The plotlines are meandering and confused and boring and overwrought and too drawn out. Characters other than Stabler get almost zero screentime or characterization and Stabler is not a compelling enough character to tentpole a whole show. There is no law in this show, and no order. I hope it gets cancelled soon and they bring back the defense attorney-centered show they were workshopping.