Peace was never an option...
And not playing this game, isn't an option either...
Okay, I should probably explain why this is a MUST-PLAY
So basically, to sum the game up, you play as a low poly goose who only has one quest, what's that quest you may ask? Well, to cause as much terror, destruction, and chaos as you can of course!
It's a game that can be enjoyed, whether you're playing alone, or with a friend of yours, since now that there's an optional two-player mode.
Plus, if you're kind of sadistic, this game can DEFINETLY feed into that side of yours...
The only downside to this game is that I suck at the 'to do as well (quickly!)' checklist. But hey, that's probably because I'm bad at checking off everything on the checklist of each respective area/level with ONLY 6 mins before the bell rings...
But other then that...