Just the fire that is in Mia's eyes when she dances with so much passion just amazing. This show is amazing. Everything is just so fun and so many amazing songs. Mia and Ritz are so, so close without being in a relationship, and Fredgy is an awesome friend. Sandra is a hard-working mom, and that's perfect on its own.
Did I mention how out of this world the songs are? I really wish they'd be embraced more amongst Disney Channel fans, as for the show itself. The directing sets the tone for the series, and the development in the series is unreal.
I haven't been watching the Disney Channel for so long, but this attracted me, and, skipping the High School Musical plot, takes us over to a lovable and relatable female main character. I just can't wait for season 2 [I just really hope Disney creates one!]
It's so exciting, and the show is perfect.