I am so mixed about this show.
I was confused so I read the reviews. And I concentrated on the 1-Star and 2-Star reviews, to see what they said. I didn't agree with all nor everything they said but I understood where many came from.
Nor did I agree with all of the glowing stuff from all of the 5-star reviews.
So then i went and did a lot of reading about different aspects via a lot of questions I posed in Google and read A LOT of the answers: Who was Regus Patoff supposed to be? The ending explained? Unanswered questions from The Consultant? Etc.
And after reading from MANY different sources and reading a LOT of barckground, I see that there was much more to The Consultant than the series itself actually portrayed in the actual TV Series.
The problem I have is, if I have to research and read the true meaning of things from the tv show, online, then there is not enough included in the actual TV series.
I see now that the show has aspect of brilliance to it, but unless you have read the book (perhaps), read the background online like i did, or maybe are super, super, enlightened and brilliant, you're not going to get the TV Show by itself. Most people won't invest enough to go to this extreme. So I definitely understand all the many 1-Star and 2-Star ratings.
I am only giving it a 4-Star Rating because I took the time to research the meaning of so many things from the show online after the fact, and now understand and see the brilliance behind it, and 'get it'.