I like Tom Holland in the MCU but I don't like it in this movie. I never played uncharted or what is about and I'm not a video game movie fan either so this movie is on Netflix right now and I decided to give it go, Tom Holland plays Nathan Drake and Mark whalberg plays sully and they're looking for a gold somewhere in a island of Spain and for his absent brother sam. The truth is this movie is like a rip off of Indiana Jones and national treasure I'm a big fan of those movies however I stopped watching uncharted about half of it and I still don't follow it, I don't know about you guys who are fans of the games you might like it or disappointed, I rather watch a better adventure movies like Indiana Jones, national treasure and the mummy anytime then this one and I don't like that movie the cgi looks terrible and it looks like they made in the early 2000'sboth Tom Holland and Mark whalberg deserves better then this.