I hate people who play this game and call themselves "LoZ fans", This is a highly overrated game! compared to previous titles, this game barley even cuts it as a Loz game.There wasn't any storyline in the game. Even with the DLC you don't really learn about the champions much. a one minute cutscene? The only memorable character in the game is Sidon, and he is only in the game for the first divine beast. What happened to characters like Malon and Tingle? And the divine beasts are especially boring since you only active "terminals" and when your done you fight XBlight Ganon. the same looking blob of malice but with different hair. Ganondorf was wayyyy cooler. They entirely got rid of the soul villain in this series, my thumb hurt after finishing twilight princess! With this game you don't even have to try. though, the game poses no challenge whatsoever, but that could be a good or bad thing. I despise having to spend 20$ for the same game but in master mode. The open world concept is nice but there is NOTHING to do out there. I bought the Wii U version of it, but wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I bought it on the switch. There isn't a difference and skyward sword had better graphics! the only enemies are different colors of one another?!?? I liked the originals where every segment of the game had unique looking enemies and they all fought differently. In breath of the wild you got to see more of the princess, but with the worst voice actor. In previous titles (with the exception of Tetra) she was always a helpless princess with no personality in breath of the wild my mindset was "she's waited 100 years, she can wait 100 more" I liked the variety of horses, but where is Epona? with the new game taking so long to come out: The Legend Of Zelda: Out of breath, I was hoping at least after breath of the wild they'd have gone back to the dungeon concept and green tunic. But instead they made another breath if the wild, WITH THE SAME WORLD. With everything thing good to say about this game there's always a bad thing too. this was all just my opinion, it can be good or bad but it just depends on the player.
don't be shy nintendo, add the others to the switch 😅