You ALL need mental help... There is something wrong with ALL of you, and Whoopi is the worst, Joy is coming right up behind her in second place! It might make some kind of sense if you ALL had some type of higher education as to what you are actually talking about. I have tried to listen to this show with an open mind but I can only stomach you all for about 5 minutes. I don't know what planet you all live on but I promise you, none of you have any idea what it is like in the REAL world today. It must be pure hell to to be YOU with all of the hate and negativity you all live with and project. To have a whole show, every day dedicated to nothing but butt hurt feelings by a bunch of whiney cry babies trying to act like grown women , is a mystery to me. HOW is this show even surviving on the air? The company that airs this show needs to get every one of these women some serious mental help. I am sure this show is discussed on a daily basis, by many college professors teaching on psychiatry and mental health issues because you all are classic examples of mental illness. Please take a very much LONG Vacation. Better yet, use your mental illness to go on permanent disability so that you can try to enjoy whatever time you have left on this earth in a POSITIVE way. That's right, Ya'll need to practice some positivity before all of this hatred just eats you up