I didn’t read this book. I read some opinions.
Evidently this mother felt the need to rebut her daughters portrayal of their family.
Having live with many of the actual stories she recounts, I believe Tara should stop
Second guessing her memories.
Our dad was a scrapper, though not the same type. He dealt mainly in engines, but our back
Yard was covered with scrap. And we called it Sams Toxic Waste Dump. He dumped every kind of
Illegal substances outside and buried truckloads of asbestos roofing and siding.
He was your typical religious Republican anti government radical.
When we complained about his pollution he always sneered “As long as it lasts as long as me,
I don’t give a rip”
He was dangerous to be around and to himself. He burned himself severely several times and cut off three fingers.
We were raised Seventh Day Adventist. But he had a mutual hatred with mom. Finally she caught him
Screwing the old lady they were taking care of. He beat the charge with an excellent lawyer.
Then they divorced, and he went and shacked up with a philistine woman for 20 years.
Finally he left her and went back home. I haven’t talked to him in 6 years. We are firmly divided politically, I’m atheist, and he’s back to living Gods way now that his Willy doesn’t work anymore.
In response to Tara’s moms book, I would only ask one question…..When was she born, day, month, and year? Does she know the birthdays of any of her kids too?
I’m a dad with three kids, all older than Tara, and I can tell you each one’s birthday.
ANy real mom would know their kids birthdays.