I have been watching this show since season one this season I’m a bit upset with the blasting of Cody and Robin pertaining to following the cdc rules of preventing the spread of Covid. We buried my sister in law because of her daughter not following the guide lines and traveling bringing Covid into the house. My 42 year old nephew her son.Our 52 year old nephew. And 34 year old grandson. One of the largest hospital here rented a vacant motel down the street and bought dry ice by the truck loads.For the amount of corpses they had to deal with so if you think everyone feels sorry for Christine and Janelle think again. It’s people like you that caused our family grief. And those grown kids that are suppose to resonseable adults. Think about who you may have passed the Covid to on your nights out and the funerals we had to attend graveside because of people who didn’t follow guidelines. Thank you Cody and Robin for trying to keep people safe. Christine you knew what you were getting into when you joined the family now your just there for the money if you want out go.