As a 43-year old man, born in 1980, reading this by accident in 2023, I can say that from the opening chapter, this book has validated so many of my own experiences and observations on our times and culture. As relevant now as it was 29 years ago when it was published, as relevant to people with penises and testosterone as it is with people with vaginas and estrogen, this book is as important as it is interesting. For those awash in the lies and sickness of our culture, wondering if anyone else sees or understands the bizarre and convoluted values of our modern culture, this book is as much a memoir as it is a consolation to those who are aware and often befuddled by modern day American society and values. I have not yet finished reading it, but from the opening chapter, it has me curious and fascinated by the author's experiences, writing style, life story, and critique of the state of American society in our modern age. I found this book in a Little Free Library in front of my neighbor's house. Now I'm curious to explore her other writings over the past few decades.