Usually I'm one to read the book however my already maasive tbr was not the most supportive. So , instead i decided to give this adaptation a try which could have been a worse decision but as you can see, I've given it 4 starts so it was a good decision after all.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- this story was written to be on screen. It translated beautifully.
Although i did find some decisions made by the characters annoying, I could also see actual people making the same decisions.
We really felt that the characters changed and grew up as we went on and the 'youll always have a place in my life' was not believeable ans natural.
The ending was left open for the viewer which is one of my favourite endings if i say so myself, however I feel like for this this she should have gone for the obvious happy ending. Maybe that's my sentiment talking as i got quite connected to the story but that's how i genuinely feel.
In short i recommend