Monopoly Plus is so slooooooooow (basic monopoly is already a very slow board game but this video game version makes it even slower, everything you do takes ages, there tons of unskippable transitions, unskippable useless messages like "its your turn" , "roll the dice" , "take a card" , with unnecessary slow long unskiappble transitions between these messages.
i bought it, played 2 min and got so bored i couldnt play anymore, watch people playing it on youtube, graphics are pretty, but its too slow to be fun or even enjoyable.
its not playable, i dont understand why programmers didnt make it faster, with less useless long boring transitions between player's turns. you cant make it faster.
please ubisoft make a speedrun patch, something to fix it. no games should takes more than one hour, no turns should take more than few seconds, mashing the A or Bbutton should instantly skip everything like moves, transitions, informations messages only the important gameplay informations should takes times.
i dont want to see a message saying "its your turn" displayed for long seconds with 2 transitions after and before this message. its completely useless and boring