Request to those who produced n directed this movie...make a sequel to this...heroine a character named Farhana who falls in love with Anthony and has to cook, taste and serve pork to him and his family to gain acceptance. Come on... I challenge you!
Hopeless agenda based film to tarnish the Brahmin community, promote meat eating with a weak storyline. This goes even beyond love jihad. The character Farhan advises her to run away from her wedding. Would he give his sister the same advice? You hv to wear hijab and do namaz to make the perfect biryani? Really??? What are you trying to promote? What's the propaganda behind this ?
If other communities can have their beliefs respected, why can't the Brahmin community also get the same respect? Why mock and degrade their beliefs? They are not harming other communities. They are not killing innocent animals for eating their dead that a crime? Seriously??
Whatever be the case...the public has spoken loud and clear.... Made this movie a flop. Serves the makers right.