I would consider myself a strong Thor fan and I was incredibly disappointed with this movie.
For me they overacted the humor with Chris H. and Natalie Portman’s awkward humor was cringy.
I think Christian B. did a marvelous job as Gorr. His performance is memorable.
This movie also went over the top with all the sexual humor. I’m sure by now Marvel knows parents take their kids to watch these movies and the script is not kid friendly. I do think it is a warped sense of humor how they added children to make it seem kid friendly though.
Out of all the Thor movies I will not ever rewatch this one. I saw it once and got the info I needed for the next movies and/or shows, but this movie was difficult to watch even the one time.
I also got irritated with the directors point of view on Zeus and how they portrayed him as a flimsy and flamboyant god.
The special effects were decent for the movie; I definitely think they lacked compared to some of the other Marvel movies. To me overall this did not feel like a Thor movie.