The four stars are for the documentary as a body of work. However, this seems like a way for Sarma to clear her name and not focus on her true involvement in what happened at the time. She is trying to paint herself as a naive person who got brainwashed by a con artist but all I am seeing is that she is playing that role! I mean the man is stealing money from you and you are giving him the cash willingly. I mean she got ripped the first time but he kept doing that again and again! She should have already seen the red flag and tried to seek help and walk away from this toxic cycle but she knowingly agreed to keep playing his game. Many of her friends and team had warned her and they tried to help her but she just ignored them along with all of the signs. She was on the run but she said "I didn't see it as we were on the run!" Really!! I mean she comes off as unbelievable! I am not here to judge but this is too much!