Great Movie if you let yourself get past the first 20 to 30 mins. Terrible MeetCute - not cute at all- just canned & forced with hallmark style side characters at the main character’s job reacting to not funny jokes, etc. The writing in the beginning mostly makes Chris Evan’s character seem too annoying and way over the top needy resulting in it being completely unrealistic that the two leads would get together. But luckily for the movie- it is Chris Evans after all who is so likable and adorable that it makes you want to stay with it - and if you hang in there- it’s completely worth it. Ana de Armas is up there w/ Gal Gadot and Jennifer Garner in the stunning tough women department. The action is great and even the romantic story becomes more believable in the second half of the movie. Plus - the guest appearances are so incredible - those alone make the movie worth watching.