The entire concept of the Super Mario Bros video game revolves around the fact that Mario and Luigi are on a journey to save Princess Peach. Therefore, to produce a movie about the game while completely disregarding the journey that Mario goes through in order to defeat Bowser is to disregard the game itself. Just when you think that you’ve completed all the levels and defeated the villain in the castle, there’s a whole other world. My sisters and I have been playing Super Mario Bros for over a decade and we still have not finished the entire game. It’s been a journey of triumph and tribulations over the years, as was the point intended by Nintendo, and the creators of this movie have completely negated that point. SPOILERS AHEAD The film goes from Peach, Mario, and Toad venturing out from Mushroom Kingdom to them gathering an army with, for the most part, ease. Then once they have their army they are basically in the final showdown with Bowser. This movie has entirely disregarded the amount of time and effort it takes to defeat Bowser. It is missing the whole journey that IS the video game, thus missing out on the purpose of the video game itself.