This show is kinda confused as to where it wanted to go. Mixed Arthurian legends made the infamous Merlin impotent from his power turned alcoholic and estranged father with PTSD, catholic monks atrocious with their witch hunts, burning people alive while on the cross. It is poorly written and I hate to agree with others who reviewed this.
Heroine who self proclaim as "Queen of the Frays", yet confused to accept her kind and clumsy wielding the "Sword of Power" is kinda dumb. Yet freely accept a thieving Arthur to her bed is shallow.
After the scene with the attacking wolves, it is all down hill from there, ending up Heroine getting shot with arrows by a child nun with schizophrenia, fell over a bridge and ended with Merlin hurling thunderbolts and lightning... very very frightening... Galileo... Galileo sort of fireworks. Yet, Child Nun survives? That is really ridiculous. Merlin getting his power back, having his daughter killed will let her assailant escape to earn the favor of the Pope? Really?