Boring, the duologue is choppy and the plot is nonsense. To be fair this is sci fi and a marvel movie but, there was so much more that could’ve been done with the it. It was a bit dark for a kids movie and lacked the suspense of a decent thriller (or whatever they were going for.) The multiverse was done well in other media but, it’s depiction is sorely lacking in the mcu thus far. America Chavez is a cool strong character usually. Her mcu debut however, is lacking. She is boring, hopefully her future appearances show more of what makes her a fun character and less of the bland bright eyed “youth insert” character she is here. Marvel needs to focus more on making a good movie, instead of just on their massive wallet. This movie could’ve been so cool!!! People are going to notice the drop in quality at some point, or not who can say. Anyways one star I hated it. 👎