"Far From Home" is easily the best Marvel movie this year. Yes "Endgame" was the dramatic conclusion that so many wanted to see (did see)... Yet FFH does what few sequels can do. It provides a strong & funny outing that should let the series leap to the next movie with perhaps even more hype. Spider-Man is becoming "Cap" & Iron Man rolled into a teenager struggling to find his footing as an adult & hero. The movie also provides a number of head turning moments. The biggest one of all comes in the first post credit scene. It's fair to say Spider-Man is about to have a "Winter Soldier" moment and I'm already dying to see the next installment of this series. I truly hope Marvel & Sony continue to work together, because this version of Spider-Man needs to stick around. He grounds the MCU as it goes universal and is the only heart strong enough to replace Cap.