No arguments about Joaquin Phoenix's brilliant performance...loved, loved, loved him but I honestly came out of the film thinking "that's 3 hours of my life I'm not going to get back". I go see movies...a lot of movies...i don't read up on who the director is beforehand, I try not to watch the trailers that show way too much.... i just go along hoping to be entertained. With this film I was just bit bored and very confused 🤪. I thought if I just stay till the end I might understand but I didn't. When I got home I Googled to see the reviews wondering if I was the only person who thought it was just too weird. That's when I saw that it was the same guy who brought us Heredity and Midsommer.... light bulb moment.... it was all so obvious... I thought both these films were weird and over hyped too. I'm sure the cinema buffs will heap plaudits on this movie, but I feel like the little kid that points out the emperor is actually naked in "The Emperors New Clothes"