The movie was definitely not as good as the last Thor movie, some jokes didn't hit and it felt pretty underwhelming, not to mention the villain was pretty stereotypical, but besides that it wasn't the worst Marvel movie to ever exist, though the whole pointless gay relationships got annoying, and that's coming from a bisexual transgender guy. It's like Marvel is now trying too hard to push LGBTQ+ characters into films for no reason. " Oh, this character doesn't have a love interest? Make them gay!!! " Minor spoilers I guess, but Korg ( aka rock guy ) is gay and has two dads and by the end of the movie gets a male love interest. Ok so he's gay... but why? If they wanted to make him LGBTQ why didn't they make him Aromantic and Asexual and or Non Binary? If he was Aromantic and Asexual it would make sense because he's rocks, and if they made him non binary it would also makes sense because they could have said that they choose their gender through their personality because once and again, rocks. From what I know Marvel hasn't had an openly Transgender character yet and they missed their shot.