Honestly, I had a bad impression on this show before watching it just based on how they represented the show visually with casting attractive people which made me question it's judgement to perform. After giving it a try, I've come to learn that it's a great show, it isn't perfect but it keeps you engaged throughout the entire seasons.
This show does lack plenty of realism, there's too much convinence in one neighbourhood that the children & parents somehow coincidentally went to the same high school & followed similiar lifestyles. Despite knowing this, you'd think they'd have the common sense to not put their own children in the position they were in by attending Riverdale high. Personally I feel like the creative of this show is making up as it goes along, it doesn't have any initial planning to it for us to question recurring characters that are in it. They just seem to make them relevant at some point of the storyline, for example in Season 3 they reveal every single parent almost were acquaintances which involved no outsider that had no links to the current Riverdale pupils. I'm yet to see a former Riverdale Alumni that hasn't even got a child attending Riverdale, it makes more sense to add more people to the show rather than making Riverdale appear so compact in one area that's meant to be an entire town.
Other than that, it does appeal to teenage fascination but I like the building of characters & the storylines. I wish they had saved Ms Grundy for a potential storyline.