I have Health Anxiety that has plagued me since my oldest child got a very serious diagnosis 6 years ago. I have periods when it is not bad at all, but once I am triggered my health anxiety goes in to over drive, which is what I am in the middle of night now. Mine is particularly focused on my children’s health and potential illnesses but also my own if I get a worrying symptom that I can’t easily explain or if I have some sort of test coming up. The fear is crippling. In desperation I ordered this book. I see myself in almost every page. I am not far in to the book, but today as directed, I wrote my own obituary, funeral directions and eulogy. I sobbed through it and also watched videos about kids dying from Cancer. The work is hard, and forces you to face the reality of what it is to be human and accept that illness and/or death are inevitable. I can already feel some subtle changes in my thinking. I am optimistic that I will be able to find some peace through this book.