I just want to start off by making it clear that, for several months, I had been eagerly anticipating the release of this film. I absolutely loved Us and Get Out, so honestly, I expected to love Nope as well.
Boy, how wrong I was. I went with my family members to see this film, and as long-term Jordan Peele fans, we couldn't have been more let down.
Put simply, this movie lacks a coherent plot. So many random details, events, and themes are forced into it, leaving the viewer feeling confused by the time the film wraps up. I'm not the type of person who struggles to understand complex stories (I'm a Durarara fan), but I could hardly even follow this jumbled, messy, lazy storyline. Just as I felt myself getting a little bit invested, all of the tension the film works to build suddenly dies off. After leaving the theater, I felt empty inside, like maybe I missed something crucial or a specific detail flew over my head. NOPE! The film genuinely just sucks. It tries too hard to be deep, and fails, like me when I was twelve. I spent the rest of the day passionately roasting it with my family, that's how awful it is. Still, I wouldn't even recommend hate-watching this movie due to how painstakingly boring it is.
Okay, all that being said, I do think there is ONE good, somewhat redeeming thing about the film. Overall, I really loved some of the characters, specifically the tech dude and Ricky (Glenn from the Walking Dead). They had some great one-liners, and some genuinely intriguing facets to them. BUT ALL OF THAT IS SEVERELY UNDERUTILIZED! SPOILERS, RICKY DIES FOR LITERALLY NO REASON, LEAVING HIS ENTIRE THING WITH THE CHIMP ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT! Why was that even brought up? That was the main thing I actually cared about! I get that Peele wanted to show the audience that humanity forces animals to be subservient and attempts to control nature, but that theme could've been conveyed in a better, more-relevant way. It's just so messy.
Now, all I want to add is that, as someone who's terrified of aliens, Peele somehow managed to help me overcome that fear. He took all of the eerie elements of higher life forms and made them stupidly animalistic.
In sum, this movie is cheeks. Watch it if you want to suffer. Don't watch it if you were actually hoping for something profound or psychological.