The protagonist, Laurene is reckless especially (S3E6) running through d forest without heeding to BLUE running after her and shouting for her
She could hv waited 4 him n together check it out
It seems like ALL her adventures in the forest are always at night
WHY practical would be too boring and logical and for normal sensible people...right
So this is creative license to step out life practical n thrown caution to wind and do stupid things
I'm captivated by the storyline but irritated with senseless stupidity in many scenes
Doesn't Bertrand know that Marion was killed by the policewoman who was hired by his father
Why d idiocy by Dora to pursue stupidity
Seems like the lives of d ppl in this town is so mundane that the smallest of anything exciting or interesting would propel ppl to become senseless and stupid in pursuit of any adventure out of the ordinary