Madame Web offers an original take on superhero movies that strays from the same tired recipe we've all seen a million times: shoot, punch, joke and punch some more. The female protagonists make you like them and care, and the origin story and superhero ability of Cassie is refreshingly different, with endless possibilities for the future. It seems that critics and audience alike are unable to see beyond their pre-conditioned prejudices of what a good superhero movie should be, and said prejudice limits their mental capacity and artistic imagination to perceive the power of the mind's potential over stupid's jet-lagged physicality. This is, ironically, the actual point of the plot and the downfall of the villain, whom reviewers so adamantly criticize as bland, not realizing they are one in the same. Open your mind. See the web. And if you can't see it, think more deeply before speaking, or at least ask somebody who hasn't been plucked from the masses.