Its horrible and people don't want to see it. But people don't want to see a lot of things. I really related to this film. Self harming for 8 plus years. Drugs and so on. People lash out with bad behavior like this because they feel trapped they can't handle and don't know how to handle their emotions and life. And with the mother putting on an act and not dealing with anything just ignoring it. The girl feels alone and wanting to reach out to be apart of something. This girl is loosing herself. Its so hard to deal with an even harder to see especially with a girl this young. Instead of brushing it off saying its so gross and saying its fantasizing the wrong things. You should really look at the meaning and open your eyes to the reality of this and so many other situations like this. If more people understood more people would be helped! This young actress was brave to do this film and as she grows up I hope she realizes the awareness she had portrayed. And hopefully more people will talk about the "ugly truth" the world has going on!