(I haven't read the source material)
I binged the show in 3 days and the best thing I could say about it was that it entertained me. But while watching the show I always had this feeling of irritation at several things and after watching it and reviewing it in my mind I realized what the show actually was.
The pacing was terrible. I understand wanting to show the exiting things within a show but you can't just have rockets be made from one episode to another. This also became a problem in the latter seasons of GOT where the writers didn't want to be patient.
The characters were mixed. I have no problem about the DEI but the acting wasn't amazing. There were a few actors/actresses whose performances I liked but the rest fell flat.
Most of the characters also weren't that interesting. And to those that I did like I felt that they weren't fully utilized and had less screen time than those that weren't that interesting.
The writing wasn't bad and I would even say it was good most of the time but it did have its weak points.
But some things didn't make any sense, especially the boat scene which looked very cool but makes zero sense.
They really want this hard drive but are afraid if they act dumbly that it will be destroyed. And if Evans, the antagonist of said scene really wanted to destroy the drive he could have, so they might as well have just knocked and asked for the hard drive instead of needlessly killing children and adults.
The plot was nice with a few plotholes such as the boat scene but mostly good. Another things that bugged me though was the lack of a world that felt living. Similar to how in GOT the common folk had latter on become decoration. Now it felt very similar that besides some scenes of showing riots and so, there was nothing else. All World Leaders just agreed to everything making it so that the Main Characters wouldn't have any opposition.