You really just go down way too much it's so terrible they buffed everything too the max and made the game too realistic it shouldn't of took so long to release plus they took out the entire aspect of the game the campaign most people play the campaign for fun you just take the vocabulary fun and throw it away it went from futuristic fun to world War 1 serious first person shooter that nobody asked for all we wanted was for black ops 3 but better by adding some sort of defence against hackers and exploiters. There is no point to even think about redownloading this game the only cool thing is about is the camps which would take atleast 4 months to unlock if your a normal person they added more pay to win and even more play to win its like they give the higher levels even more of an advantage by letting them pick op guns in a weapon bribe while low levels get 1 new weapon then have to work for weeks to get a new unless you pay more money to get op one shot weapons where a arrow can insta kill you but bullets to the head barely do anything the specialist are even worse they buff every bad specialist to the max and nerd every good specialist to as low as he'll can go this game is so bad and you shouldn't get it unless your wanting to play zombies which is even worse its way to easy