SPOILER ALERT! The main character is made out to seem clueless with an IQ of a sloth. After killing the alien intruder she feels the need to escape/leave the house (wearing no shoes even though she's got pieces of glass in her feet) THEN all of a sudden she decides to go shower then do her hair since she was looking like a hot mess. The scene where she walks into the police station and what ensues feels like an elementary student wrote it! In what universe would a police chief allow that scenario to happen right in front him?!? I felt like giving up on it at the 30min mark but I also felt like I had invested too much time at that point. Rest of the movie is just as silly and ridiculous. This had a lot of potential but poor writing/plot and such a weak main character totally drive this movie right off the cliff!! It didn't help that the CGI appears to have been done by the same Co that did the zombies from I Am Legend.Smh...