So disappointed with this season. I love this show but not this season. The judges need more input than the fans or voters as the voters and fans are using it as a popularity contest because they think someone is cute or handsome but CAN'T DANCE ! I know all the little girls and housewives are voting for Grocery Joe,(who would want to be known as that ?) really the man has 3 left feet. By voting off good dancers this show has become a joke and now boring. Also you shouldn't have professional athletes, theater people or dance experience on the show that like cheating on a test. How about REAL people who like to dance but have no experience like the everyday or single Mom or Dad, the hip Grandmother or a Veteran. That would be a show to watch. I will not be watching the rest of the season especially since this last catastrophe of the Country Night Dance. The wrong people were voted off through out the whole show and definitely on Country Night.