Animal Farm is a allegorical novella written by English writer George Orwell published in 1945 .It's a political satire on USSR. Despite the fact that the USSR was a British ally during WWII and the British intelligentsia shown their loyalty to the Soviet Union,And choice of pigs as the ruling caste was going to hurt the Russians, Still Orwell wrote against them.
In this novella , each animals symbolize a historical character Viz Old Major represents Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin , Snowball represents Trotsky, Squealer represents Vyacheslav Molotov, Minimus represents Vladimir Mayakovsky,Mr Jones represents Tsar Nicholas the Second,Boxer represents Alexey Stakhanov.Four young pigs symbolizing
Gregory Zinoviev
Lev Kamanov
Nikolai Bukharin
Alexei Rykov
The story begins when the the old Major boar urges the animals to be free of man's cruelty. Later old Major died. Animals threw out their owner Mr. Jones symbolizing men don't want to be rule. After this rebellion, pigs became the policy makers because they were considered to be wisest of all animals. Snowball and Napoleon became the ruling pig leaders. And Napoloen started conspiracies against Snowball, overthrew him and became the sole leader of the farm. They build the farm on equality but later equality was eroded. Upper class(pigs) under the leadership of Napoleon started corrupting the system and changed their policies and legislations according to their yearnings symbolizing might is right. Privileges only belonged to elite class pigs and the rest of the animals mere acted as workers with no privileges. Those who even thought of rebellion against pigs were sentenced to death. Elite class were pigs and Labour class were boxer and horse . Squealer was second in command of the farm and minimus used to wrote poems for the farm .
This can be related to Russia where everyone suffered extreme inequality prior to revolution, but immediately afterwards, equality comes into effect with a leader like Lenin, but once Lenin perishes, a corrupt leader like Stalin brings new inequality between the proletariat and Stalin’s upper class. All the privileges were own by elite class. There was discrimination among people and discrimination was the root cause of all evils. Poor class acted like slaves of elite class . They were devoid of their rights just like other animals in the Animals Farms were , except pigs.
In a nutshell, in this short novella,We will be able to understand Russia history,Russian revolution, famous and notorius figures of Soviet,Communism's rise and fall, social classes,How to dictate,totalitarian regimes,power of language and Corruption of powerful people.