Not Comedy. I started watching because of Namgoong Min. I also enjoy Lee Won-Keun and Yoon So-Hee. By episode 5, I started fast forwarding through the episodes to get to the point. Now on episode 13, knowing that is where the conclusion began the story, I feel like I am just beginning the drama. I really was hoping for a comedy and dislike melodrama. So far, it's been as melancholy as a soapy soap gets; frustrating at times, annoying at another. It's a good canned drama if you like soapy family tragedies. I can't give it a thumbs up or down since this is not my type of drama. Episode 15, had my first crackle and didn't get much more than that. I felt I worked the first 13 episode to get to know the characters but had to readjust "12 years later." I am having a hard time seeing the 2 "older" main lead characters being the same as the two "younger" main characters. The story seems to have been broken into two mini dramas. In my opinion, Jun Su should have cut ties with Da Hae from the beginning when she confessed to him; instead he dragged their one-sided friendship on for over 12 years. He can't man up. The mothers are a bunch of screaming pain in the behind; selfish and inconsiderate. The men are a bunch of invertebrates. The acting is good if you enjoy watching this type of drama. I'll choose thumbs down because the story seems to be broken down into two mini dramas.