Apex Legends. A game that almost ruined the Fortnite community, but failed horribly. In my honest opinion after doing months of research, I'm done hiding and I dare say that Apex Legends is a disgrace to the gaming industry in every way. Think about it: everything leads to the thought that it was made with the purpose to destroy Fortnite (which it was a horrible failure at doing so) and make others like Blizzard, Nintendo, maybe even Valve jealous of the achievement. And another thing (consider this salt in the wound if you want, I won't apologize), You are forced to play as teams of 3, the leader is always announced, it has an identical map to Fortnite B.R., and same character concepts as Overwatch. And finally, this underrated smudge mark of a ripoff is, or was, associated with EA. That alone should cripple the game.
I don't want to sound rude or hateful, but this kind of stuff is just painful.