Shalene was NOT a good fit. She is NOT an action movie person. After you do a TV series about a shy little girl who gets pregnant @16, that's all you're seen as. BAD CHOICE FOR THIS CHARACTER. Also, Tris is supposed to be small, when I think small, I think shorter. Tris is also supposed to be blonde. Not light brown. Also, all around I just don't think Shalene is a good actor. She is very stiff and frozen. As for the movie itself, I really didn't like they changed key moments such as Four says 'I love you' first in the books. but in the movie she says it during the big attack simulation that she gets him out of. Which also he is alone in the books. And in the movie he is not. She doesnt fight Jeanine and all those guys in the books. Also, another key moment is when he takes her into his fear landscape, she helps him thru it in the books, but not in the movie.... THE BOOKS ARE BETTER THESE MOVIES ARE BAD.