So I watched part of this show because sometimes I like the worst dramas the same as I like food that's terrible for me sometimes lol. But I skipped a lot of it because it's basically a drawn out teenage soap opera. I like the idea of the show. I just wish it was better written. Every character is way over the top. It's like characters don't experience fun at all in this show lol. Like there's nothing between the constant drama to break it up a bit. Everybody is pretty hard on eachother. And one of the creaters was also responsible for 7th Heaven if that tells you anything. I think they could've done more with this show. But it's the usual whose with who now. Total soap opera. Also it's pretty outdated it puts so much emphasis on marriage especially when the show is suppose to be directed towards teenagers there's no same sex couples which is kinda insane considering they exist. It's pretty unrealistic kinda silly. Lol